La Top List dei motori di ricerca settoriali
Se da un lato i motori di ricerca possono darci accesso a una quantità pressoché infinita di informazioni su qualsiasi settore o argomento, dall'altro è in aumento il numero di motori di ricerca settoriali dedicati a target e argomenti specifici . Le esigenze degli utenti, infatti, sono sempre più orientate verso specifiche aree di conoscenza,… Continue reading La Top List dei motori di ricerca settoriali
Les 5 moteurs de recherche les plus utilisés au monde
Le premier moteur de recherche de l'histoire C'était en 1990, juste après la naissance du World Wide Web, que le premier système numérique d'analyse et de catalogage de l'information est apparu. Ce système était capable de sélectionner parmi des milliards de données, les informations les plus pertinentes pour répondre aux demandes de n'importe quel utilisateur,… Continue reading Les 5 moteurs de recherche les plus utilisés au monde
Los 5 buscadores más usados en el mundo
El primer buscador de la historia Corría 1990, justo después del nacimiento de la World Wide Web, cuando apareció el primer sistema digital de análisis y catalogación de la información. Este sistema fue capaz de seleccionar entre miles de millones de datos, las piezas de información más relevantes para responder a las solicitudes de cualquier… Continue reading Los 5 buscadores más usados en el mundo
I 5 motori di ricerca più utilizzati al mondo
Il primo motore di ricerca della storia Era il 1990, poco dopo la nascita del World Wide Web, quando apparve il primo sistema digitale di analisi e catalogazione delle informazioni. Questo sistema è stato in grado di selezionare tra miliardi di dati, le informazioni più rilevanti per rispondere alle richieste di qualsiasi utente, su qualsiasi… Continue reading I 5 motori di ricerca più utilizzati al mondo
The advantages of buying contact lenses online
Buying contact lenses online can be very convenient indeed. With just a few clicks of the mouse you can choose from a wide range of lenses and have them delivered to your door in no time. The only difficult thing is to find the right website to buy from. There are a lot of websites… Continue reading The advantages of buying contact lenses online
Pet insurance: here’s why it’s important to have it
These days we are all looking for savings, especially on those goods and services that are necessary or required by law. In order to find the best policy available, many people rely on the various insurance comparators available online. Before the emergence of comparators, people who wanted to get a quote for their insurance were… Continue reading Pet insurance: here’s why it’s important to have it
Christmas and New Year holidays: how to find the best deals
With the first chill of autumn knocking at the door and summer now only a vivid memory, Christmas holiday planning becomes a priority for those who like to travel during the end-of-year festivities. However, even if you haven’t yet chosen your destination, you have to start wondering when is the best time to book your… Continue reading Christmas and New Year holidays: how to find the best deals
What is a fuel card and how does it work?
Fuel cards are electronic payment instruments that can be used to refuel and pay for petrol, diesel or other vehicle fuels. Fuel cards allow you to avoid paying in cash and thus have full traceability of all purchases made on your journeys. The fuel card is usually a prepaid card that is provided by the… Continue reading What is a fuel card and how does it work?
Changing electricity and gas operator: procedures, times and costs
Despite the fact that you have been frugal in your use of electricity, the last bill you received for your electricity and gas supply was very high?Many people think that changing electricity and gas supplier is rather complicated. However, contrary to popular belief, activating a new gas and electricity offer is easier than it sounds.… Continue reading Changing electricity and gas operator: procedures, times and costs