Erectile dysfunction: what it is and what are its symptoms

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Tag: #Diseases #Erectile dysfunction #Wellness #Wellness Diseases Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction is a more common disorder than one might think, and it is easy to see how it can put men who suffer from it in check. However, it is not easy to understand what solution can help achieve significant improvements, also in light of the fact that the causes can be of a different nature, ranging from organic to psychological. In the following we will go into the subject, specifying what we are talking about when we mention erectile dysfunction, with what symptoms it manifests itself and what are the possible treatments.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction: what are they?

Main symptoms of erectile dysfunction

As mentioned earlier, the main symptom of erectile dysfunction is the difficulty in getting an erection and maintaining it. Among the signs of the presence of a more extensive pathology, we can find the concomitance of other sexual dysfunctions, such as problems with ejaculation, which can occur early even when the erection is not yet complete, or a decrease in sexual desire. This is also due to the fact that it is not uncommon for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, anticipating possible failure, to avoid intercourse with their partner altogether.

As we pointed out, erectile dysfunction itself is often a symptom of a broader disease, and rarely occurs in isolation. This is particularly true for organic syndromes, but also for those of psychological origin, in which it is not uncommon to observe a drop in libido alongside low self-esteem, which intersect to form a vicious circle. Overall, it is not uncommon to observe a more or less severe depressive picture combined with a state of high emotional stress. As an outcome, one can observe difficulties in couple relationships, as well as in conception. Many of these symptoms intuitively represent complications that may arise as a direct consequence of erectile dysfunction, further worsening the picture.

For this reason, and due to the fact that erectile dysfunction can significantly impair one’s quality of life, along with the symptoms that often accompany it, it is advisable to seek medical advice in order to initiate a diagnostic process and, consequently, identify the therapy that best suits each case. In addition, special attention should be paid if the disorder occurs in conjunction with heart problems or other medical complications, as it could be the first symptom of the onset of a disease. Of course, it is not easy to talk to one’s doctor about this discomfort, but it is essential to identify potential risk factors that could have led to erectile dysfunction as a result. Then, in order to arrive at a precise diagnosis, the patient will undergo special blood tests to observe blood glucose levels, lipid profile and total testosterone levels. A thorough clinical examination, including the reproductive system, must then be carried out in order to initiate the most suitable course of treatment. If the investigations carried out are not sufficient to arrive at a precise diagnosis, the person will have to consult an andrologist, who can perform more specialised examinations.

Published: 2022-07-01From: Elisa

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