Personal loans are credit solutions intended for individuals, which can be used for any purpose, such as purchasing goods or services, carrying out a personal project or covering unexpected expenses.
Types of personal loans
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There are different types of personal loans, including fixed-rate loans, variable-rate loans, special purpose loans and non-purpose loans. Each type of loan has specific characteristics, such as duration, interest rate, repayment terms and conditions.
Main differences
The main differences between the various types of personal loans concern the interest rate, duration and repayment terms. For example, fixed-rate loans have a fixed interest rate for the duration of the loan, while variable-rate loans have an interest rate that varies according to market rates.
Services included with opening a personal loan
Opening a personal loan may entail taking out additional services, such as assistance in the event of illness or job loss, life or disability insurance cover, or the possibility of changing the terms of the current loan.
Requirements and documents needed to open a personal loan
To obtain a personal loan, you will need to provide certain documents, such as your identity card, tax code and salary or pension certificate. In addition, you will need to meet certain requirements, such as being between 18 and 75 years old and having a solid financial situation.
In summary, loans and financing are credit solutions that allow you to obtain money in exchange for a commitment to repay it. There are different types of loans and financing, each with specific characteristics. To apply for a loan or personal loan, you will need to provide certain documents and fulfil certain requirements. In addition, you will be able to subscribe to additional services to protect your financing or personal loan.
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