Phone Plan

Phone plan solutions for private

Tariff plans for private including mobile traffic

The world of mobile telephony is constantly evolving, and tariff plans for private individuals are increasingly adapting to the needs of customers, who want a customised product for both their home and mobile lines. Today, mobile tariff plans for individuals often include a competitive telephone offer for the fixed line as well, and it is… Continue reading Tariff plans for private including mobile traffic

phone plans for companies

Mobile tariff plans for companies

Mobile tariff plans for companies are an important option for businesses that need to provide their employees with an adequate connection to the mobile network, without incurring excessive costs. Typically, these tariff plans are structured as either monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go solutions. In the former option, users pay a fixed fee each month to obtain… Continue reading Mobile tariff plans for companies

phone plans for private

Mobile tariff plans for private

Mobile tariff plans for private individuals come in different solutions, depending on the needs of individual users. Typically, solutions are divided into monthly subscriptions or pay-as-you-go plans, i.e. with varying costs depending on the amount of traffic. Monthly subscription In the case of monthly subscriptions, users can have a package of minutes of calls, messages… Continue reading Mobile tariff plans for private


Phone tariffs and mobile contracts: how are consumer habits changing?

Recently, internet users have been using innovative and very effective tools to find their way around prices and tariffs. We are talking about rate comparators, real tools available to each user to find what they need at the best price of the moment. The most widely used rate comparators reach thousands and thousands of users… Continue reading Phone tariffs and mobile contracts: how are consumer habits changing?
