Guide for fibre optic internet line

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Tag: #Household utilities #Household utilities Internet Private Fibre connection #Internet #Private

What is fibre optics?

Optical fibre is a data transmission technology that uses light to transport digital information from one point to another.

It works by sending light signals through thin, transparent glass or plastic wires, which are insulated to prevent light scattering. This makes fibre optics much faster and more reliable than other data transmission technologies such as ADSL, which uses existing telephone lines to transmit data.

In addition, fibre optics can transport large amounts of data at very high speeds, making it ideal for applications that require very high bandwidth, such as high-definition video streaming and business communications.

Technology and benefits

Optical Fibre technology offers a number of advantages over ADSL. With fibre optics, the transmission speed is much higher. In fact, download speeds are up to 1 Gbps, while upload speeds are up to 200 Mbps. Furthermore, it guarantees a more stable connection, where an ADSL connection can be slowed down by various external factors.

Furthermore, latency is lower: it is often less than 10 ms, whereas with an ADSL connection it can be up to 40 ms. This means that a broadband connection over fibre optics is faster when loading web pages, downloading files and watching streaming videos.

Type of offers

Various fibre-optic service offers are available today. Bandwidth, service packages and tariffs depend on the operator. For example, some providers offer fibre-only services, others combine radio and fibre, while still others prefer wired connections.

It is important to carefully evaluate the Internet offers available on the market before activating a line. For example, you can choose between wired connections, with the convenience of fast and reliable service, or a wireless connection, with the advantage of being cheaper.

In addition, some providers also offer packages with additional content such as telephony services, streaming services, domain registration options and so on.

How to activate a fibre optic internet line

Activating a fibre optic internet line is really simple. First, make sure you have the necessary requirements: connection cables, switchboard and a signed contract with your operator. Also make sure you have all the documents required by the operator, such as passport, identity card or address.

Once you are sure you have all the necessary requirements, the steps to activate your connection to the fibre optic service will be:

  1. Check the network cables to ensure that they are plugged in and securely connected to the modem/router.
  2. Connect the modem / router to the switchboard and ensure that the connections are secure.
  3. Insert the inserted SIM card into the modem (where and if applicable).
  4. Load the driver required for the initial configuration of the modem / router.
  5. Enter the contract data, such as activation, username/password, etc.
  6. Check that the connection has been activated.

Once you have followed these simple steps, the fibre-optic connection will be active and functioning as expected.

Published: 2023-02-15From: Elisa

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