Hotels around the world offer many solutions for group and family holidays, ensuring that their guests have an unforgettable holiday. Whether it is a group of friends wanting to explore a city or a family seeking relaxation on the beach, hotels provide opportunities for everyone.
One of the main advantages of a group or family hotel holiday is the possibility of organising themed excursions. There are hotels that organise guided tours to museums, monuments and historical sites, or sightseeing tours by bicycle or on foot. This allows you to discover a destination in a different way than usual, through experiences that are also cultural and not just about relaxation.

For families with children, hotels often have dedicated activities and spaces, such as outdoor games, animation activities, swimming pools and entertainment. Some offer specific activities and entertainment programmes for children, such as cooking workshops, theatre, sports, games and educational activities. Large hotels often also have baby clubs, kids clubs and teen clubs, where children can make friends and have fun with other peers.
In addition, hotels often offer conventions with theme parks, water parks and other entertainment facilities, such as museums and theatres. This means that visitors can enjoy discounts on admission tickets or accommodation packages, or even priority access to attractions.
Finally, there are hotels that offer active tourism experiences, such as mountain hikes, rafting and sports activities, which can be organised for both groups and families.
In conclusion, hotels offer many solutions for those who want to organise group or family holidays. Activities, spaces and conventions are designed to offer a complete and unforgettable travel experience, suitable for all ages and interests.
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